Who was the biggest influencer in your life? Alba Hincapié introduced the topic of the day. We all had influencers and influenced somebody at the same time. It could be in a positive or a negative way, but from every influencer we can learn and improve. After the participation of the President Joan Pont, and…

Lunes 18 de mayo 2020, novena semana de confinamiento, y por fin llega una nueva sesión online del Club Sagrada Familia Toastmasters !!! (se oyen aplausos efusivos)…. qué mejor plan para esta tarde que pasar un rato divertido, mejorando nuestras habilidades comunicativas y escuchando discursos geniales. ¡Empieza la sesión! Nuestro muy honorable presidente Joan Pont…

In another great session at Sagrada Familia Toastmasters, our President Joan Pont started by introducing our a guest, Simon from Viva Toasmaster Club, the Spanish-speaking club in Moscow https://www.facebook.com/SpanishClubMoscow/ ). We followed by the presentation of session’s theme by the Toastmaster of the night Victor Piqué: Feeling confident in front of an audience, a Victor’s…

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