On June 29th we had the third and last meeting of the month, which was also the last one of the 2019-2020 toastmasters year. It was a great meeting to close the period.
Our fellow member Juan was the toastmaster (MC) of the evening. He did a great job leading the meeting with confidence and creativity and invited the participants to share with the audience their plans for the upcoming summer. A greatly executed role.
In the prepared speeches section we enjoyed three speeches. Sandra delivered her second speech “Be open to change”. She shared with us a very interesting speech about how important it is to be open to change and opportunities. Her speech was evaluated by Roberto, who performed a great first time evaluation. We are looking forward to see more Sandra´s speeches and Roberto´s evaluations as well.
The second speech of the evening “Swipe Reloaded” was delivered by Marcel who talked about apps and how they might make us users act in ways that are not always the best ones. He certainly improved his previous speech, as Eva, his evaluator, told him. She also provided him with useful insights to keep improving his public speaking skills.
The third and last prepared speech of the evening was delivered by the club president Joan. Joan´s speech was a summary of the club´s impressive accomplishments under his tenure in this period that is about to finish. A great news, Sagrada Familia Club got the President Distinguished Club Award, the highest award a club can get for its performance. Joan also encouraged the new committee to keep the success pace (que el ritmo no pare!). Alba Lucía evaluated Joan´s speech with great mastery showing why she is considered one of the best evaluators of the club.
Martina was our topics master of the evening and challenged the brave ones to improvise a speech on topics related to the theme of the day.
Juan Carlos evaluated the whole session with the invaluable help of the technical team formed by Encarna, Johanna and Amy.
All in all a great session in Sagrada Familia´s Toastmasters Club. Congratulations to the club and to all its members for the PDC Award. !Que el ritmo no pare!