The Sagrada Familia Toastmasters membership is open to anyone over 18 years of age who is bilingual (Spanish and English) and interested in improving their communication and leadership skills.
The first step in applying for membership is very simple: attend one of our club meetings as a guest.
In order to attend, all you need to do is contact us via the Contact Form and indicate your interest in attending as a guest on one of the scheduled meeting dates (see calendar).
At the end of the meeting, we will exchange opinions and, if you are interested in the Toastmasters experience, we will explain to you what steps to take.
The biannual membership fee is 69€, which includes affiliation with Toastmasters International. Upon joining, there is a one-time payment of 20€ for the new member kit, which includes two basic texts of the Toastmasters Education Program: the Competent Communication Manual and the Competent Leadership Manual. In addition, you will receive the monthly Toastmasters International magazine via regular mail to your home address.