Another great evening we had this Monday 3rd of November at Sagrada Familia Toastmasters. Having Victor Piqué as the Toastmaster of the night and Mario Mera as the General evaluator.
Starting with Jordi Mollón with his speech Nº 5 “La diadema”, who took us through a beautiful and poetic story of a princess who wanted to catch the beautiful water burbles to make a headband, to finally realize that it is impossible to catch the beauty and that we can only rejoice with it.
But that great moment only last for seconds, because Sebastian Barrionuevo jumped on stage making us remember and feel “El miedo escenico”, that fear that assails, even the more experienced speaker, when giving a speech. With his “Informative speech”, Sebastian invited us to challenge and embrace fear, knowing that we are close to success and that we just only need to ”subirnos al caballo”.
And after so much excitement came to the stage Briggite Hansmman, taking us to “A little vacation…and with excellent pay!”.! In her speech Nº 2, Brigitte taught us how to relax in an easy and funny way, leaving us with the feeling as if our bodies melted in the chair.
Finally Juan Carlos Duran brought us a useful Table topic. “Job Interviews”. The participants: Aharale, Juan Pablo and Christine gave us great impromptus when dealing with that matter.
Congratulations to all the participants and especially to Jordi Mollón (The Club’s Sergeant at Arms) for reaching the Half Competent Communicator ribbon.
Don’t settle with only reading the summary of the session, come to visit us!!
See you next 17th of November in our Spanish session.
Alba Lucia Hincapié