Last Monday we had a very exciting session in our Sagrada Familia Club: The roster involved two icebreakers and one “How to say it” speech from the Competent Communication Manual.

Our Toastmaster of the day, Joan Pont, started the session by giving us some very interesting facts about Travelling, and the tourism industry in recent years. For instance: Did you know that the #1 most visited city in the entire world is not Paris, New York or London but Bangkok?

Our members Liselotte, Irene and Juan did roles of Timekeeper, Ah-counter and Grammarian respectively, and gave place for our speakers.

David Martinez intrigued us by opening his speech holding a small bottle with a fluid that turned out to be Gold! He went on to explaining us about his career as a nanotechnologist and inviting us all to go to Poland to visit him while he does his PhD and joins his local Toastmasters club. His speech was entitled “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom”

Laia Mercade, our second speaker of the day, did a fantastic job of summing up her life in 5 minutes in her speech entitled, yes, “My Life in 5 Minutes”. She told us about her career as a mobility expert and how she’s worked in Barcelona with the Metropolitan Transport authority as well as at a European level.

Stephen Karbaron, our guest from Prestigious Toastmasters Club gave us a very moving speech entitled “HELP”, where he shared his passion for charity and made us wonder: Are the people around me silently crying for help and I can’t hear them? Very powerful stuff.

After that, our Table Topic Master of the day, Luis Pinto, introduced a lighter part of the session for impromptu speeches on the topic of travel.

The session wrapped up with our General Evaluator and President, Rebeca Calderón, giving us feedback and closing words of the session.

We wait for you next Monday July 17th for our next meeting!

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