The 4th of september we had our first meeting of the «toastmasters year» after holidays. It was a great session.

Encarna, the sargeant at arms, opened the meeting.  The Toastmaster (TM), of the evening, Alba welcomed everybody to Toastmaster Sagrada Familia (TM SF) to this new school year, a lot of schools are starting today around Spain, so we are, welcome to this TM session “ Back to
school”. She said that her mind is still in vacation then invited the newcomers and guests to introduce themselves. We had a bunch of young and enthusiastic visitors.

The session is divided in 3 parts:
1- Prepared speeches
2- Improptu speeches.
3- Evaluation.

The TM , asked Juan Carlos who played the roll of General Evaluator (GE), what did he enjoy the most when he went back to school….. “he was really eager to meet his peers on the first day of school”.

Th GE presented his team and also explained to the audience about our method in TM SF to evaluate the speaker just after the speech is delivered…..what a challenge,,,,would you dare ?

The evaluation team:
The Ah counter. Joan.
The Timekeeper: Irene.
The Grammarian : Carles , proposed the Word of the night: FOCUSED ( speakers are suggested to mention , this word in their speeches).
The TM, reminded everybody to stay focused during the session.

FIRST SPEAKER: Eucleia : presented her Icebreaker . “Do you know who you are” She explained to the audience a personal story .

Juan Carlos, was also in charge of evaluated her speech (he had two roles that night, well done Juan C) congratulates Eucleia for her icebreaker.

SECOND SPEAKER .Competent Comunicator manual 3 Get to the point. “ Spice up our life “ , speaker , Sara . She came from “another classroom” , another TM club. Sara todl us about how she met Eduardo in Mexico.

Aritz evaluated Sara and congratulated her for her
body language.
THIRD SPEAKER: Technical presentation -2- the proposal. “The biggest opportunity machine “ . Victor. This speech  was about the stockmarket, how to read graphics and when to invest.
Rebeca , was in charge of evaluating Victor (she also did two roles that night, well done ).

She congratulated Victor for having two tools :
Technical data and his personal experience.

Joan P. as Table Topic Master, invited everybody to participe in this section, specially people who hadn´t participated yet.
The first participant was Juan,  the second participant was Catalina,  the third participant, Albert. All of them delighted the public with creative improvisations.

All in all a great comeback in school for Sagrada Familia Toastmasters!

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