‘Does weather influence your mood?’ This was the topic of the session and Martina Steffens, our Toastmaster for the day, said she had chosen this topic because her mood is greatly affected by weather. Judging by the smile she offered us during all the session, the weather outside must have been fantastic.
The word of the day was ‘bright’, as bright were the speakers, the evaluators and the rest of participants.
Starting with Mercedes Ruiz, first speaker of the day, who explained how happiness is measured at countries level, a very interesting and well researched topic that caught the attention of the room. Her evaluator, Víctor Piqué, congratulated her and gave her some advice, in his distinct calm and peaceful tone.
The second speaker, Patrick van den Berg, did a very energetic speech. After starting with a dance, while some of us were still wondering if we were still in a Toastmasters session, he shared with us some great advice, that he got from a dance teacher, which can be applied in many aspects of our lives, especially in public speaking: Let it go. The message was so contagious, that Joan Pont, his evaluator, jumped on stage although he hadn’t come up with any possible improvement, he just decided to ‘let it go’.
The third and last speaker of the day was our President Sebastián Spada, who did a very bright and persuasive speech, explaining how we can create our own reality and be happier. Not an easy task to give such a talented speaker advice for improvement, but her evaluator, Alba Lucía Hincapié, managed to do it brilliantly.
We had many guests in the session and it seems we managed to make them feel comfortable, as all the Table Topic Speakers were guests. Jordi Magdaleno was the Table Topic Master and led an original Table Topics section, full of humor.
Juan Carlos Duran diligently led the team of evaluators, who provided their reports on: time, mullet repetitions and the use of good language.

Sagrada Familia Toastmaster Club
To close the session, our President Sebastián Spada, showed some of the last recognitions obtained by the club and by some of our members.
If you want to improve your public speaking: PRESS HERE¡ and we take care of the rest : )