In today’s session we enjoyed a special Halloween background… it was as scary as funny!
OurToastmaster of the day, Alba Hincapié helped us get in the wave with some tips about the origin of Halloween celebration before presenting the speakers of the evening.
We started as usual with the evaluation team, headed by Joan Fabregat today, and his team Laia, Encarna and Susie explained their roles, all this with some very nice Halloween costumes. Check the pics!
The first speech today was delivered by Juan Escobar, with the title “Insanely Great”, his fifth speech where he focused on body language. From this we learnt about some of Steve Job’s less known career facts and had the opportunity to inspire ourselves out of his life and experience. Victor Piqué was the evaluator of the speech and provided some really helpful tips.
The second speech of the night was Joan Pont’s speech number 7, where he exposed his“Happiness” speech based on objective data and research. Joan guided us through some tips toget to the so expected happiness. Rebeca Calderón was the evaluator of the speech. They were terrific!
The evening was also special because we had the chance to listen to the experienced Juan Carlos Durán with an educational speech about Mentoring. Here we learnt about the process of becoming a mentor, the advantages, the relationship between the mentor and the mentee, and the qualities that they both need to have and will develop through the mentoring period. This was an eye-opener!
The funny part of the session arrived with… the Table Topics. Liselotte offered an entertaining subject for the impromptu participants: the Horror Movie Award! They made a great job; playing the show and using their creativity to come up with short speeches that made us all have a nice time and some laughs.
And the final evaluation section arrived with the assigned team for it. Their feedback was key for all the participants to get a good idea of the points where they did well and where they can improve.
Encarna Navas, the Sergeant at Arms closed the session and we all went to have some drinks at
the bar! But this time there were also Halloween chocolates and candies!