Once again, last Monday we enjoyed a lovely evening at Sagrada Familia’s Toastmaster’s Club. Do you want to know what the topic was about? Well… it is a kind of magic… It was…the comfort zone! Have you ever related getting out of your comfort zone with magic? The Toastmaster of the day introduced us to this beautiful idea: magic is where you are out of your so well-known, familiar comfort! Boost yourself and get some risk!
This is what a few of our members and guests did during the session. First of all with Eucleia’s second speech, with her sensitive, thrilling and bold performance. It was a pleasure to see her as well as to listen to Mario Mera’s experience-based feedback and recommendations. Great job both!
Another brave heart was Liselotte, also getting out of her comfort zone and inviting the audience to do it too with her speech about «The stage of life»: hey! you can be the protagonist of your own life! Did you know? How? Come to our club and ask Liselotte 😉 Another senior member aknowledged her speaking skills and provided some new tips to go beyond: Joan Fabregat.
There was no evaluated third speech, but instead Victor Piqué, one of the newly assigned specialists on Toastmaster’s new speech process «Pathways», delivered an educational talk about it. This was the first one, the second part will take place in next session on the 19th February. If you want to learn about it, come over!
And… the real out-of-comfort-zone part came with the Table Topics! Susie Catrona was the master and she managed to bring Eva and Amy on the stage, yes! Lots of magic! By the way, Amy is one of the SFT new members, together with Jordi: welcome on board!
The Evaluation came at last with our senior member Juan Carlos Durán as the General Evaluator, and the team was formed by Jordi as the Ah-counter, Albert as the Time keeper and Sebastian as the Grammarian. New roles for some of them. The room felt like challenge, risk, excitement and lots of fun.
Looking forward to next session to keep on boosting ourselves!
(Irene Duque)